Secret Hotel Messages

tp sartreMost of us can’t afford hotel rooms that are well appointed. The ones absent of smells from guests long past, furnishings you sit on without question, art that doesn’t look like a paint by number, polyester bed linens purchased in 1983. While trying to fall asleep to the light of an alarm clock, the only electronic in the room except your cell phone, you imagine what happened in that room before you got there. None of the thoughts help you fall asleep.

David Bussell, who appears to be a bit of a comedian (it’s difficult to tell with the streaming rainbow background on his site. I could only read a few words before vertigo kicked in), has traveled to many places, and in those places he has stayed in some really crappy hotel/motels. To lighten the experience, he enjoys leaving messages for future guests. My preference is for the hidden ones – only people so offended by the art that they turn it around will find the notes he’s left, or the occasional oddball who removes drawers or opens cisterns.

trapdoorI don’t consider myself a germaphobe. I’m quite reasonable about the things I don’t want to touch; those are the ones coated in human depravity. Cheap hotel rooms are filled with such stuff, so I’m unlikely to ever find one of his messages. Luckily I can just look at his Tumblr site (which has a much better design than his website) where he chronicles his mischief.

– via Lost at E Minor

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